What Are the Strengths and Usage Guidelines for ZYN Nicotine Pouches?


ZYN Strengths

ZYN is a brand that caters to everyone. You can find different nicopods with varying nicotine strengths to fit your needs.

ZYN nicopods come categorized on a scale of 1 to 5 (With 5 being the strongest). Almost anyone can use 1-2, while 3 is for slightly experienced people. 4 and 5 are for the veterans, who can't be bothered with the weak pouches. 

ZYN Usage Disclaimer

Please get a nicopod that fits your tolerance levels. We say this for your safety. Using a pouch that's too strong for you could lead to momentary nausea and slight dizziness. Overall, you won't incur mortal harm, but it will still ruin your experience. Ideally, novices should avoid anything with more than 6 mg of nicotine.

Furthermore, all nicopods contain nicotine, which is an addictive chemical. You should not over-indulge and use all nicotine products sparingly. Excessive dependence on any nicotine product, like cigarettes, vapes, snus, e-liquids is not good for your health.